How to write when you don't feel like it

This blog post is not where I tell you to have an outline, learn the writing craft, to make a writing playlist or even to read books by authors who inspire you. Nope, these are tips on how to write when you don't feel like it, but actually already have done all those things I mentioned.

These are writers block tips that always work no matter what because they make you actually write instead of putting your attention elsewhere and essentially making you procrastinate with great, creative excuses.

I guarantee you, these tips aren't anywhere else on the internet because this is what my brain comes up with when I'm struggling myself. Stuff that works. For me, at least.

Creativity is key. Think outside the box, or you'll have to live inside it forever. Doesn't sound that great, does it?

Now, here's a disclaimer.

No, there's no disclaimer.

This works and always will work for me, and you need to fully believe that they will work for you too. Because you want to write, right? So you will write, no matter what. 


1. Steal from another author

Flip open a book, pick a random line and write that in your novel. Now you've got a couple words, it's your turn to write and keep going.

2. Go back to those good ol' days when storytelling was a reward in itself

Play with toys. If you don't have any toys laying around, use something else. Like maybe coins. Or plants.

"This is Emery. This is Fylkir. Now they're going to have a neat conversation, and it goes like this..."

It's silly, but it's no wonder kids are so creative. Most likely you started writing stories as a child. Go back to your roots! It always works.

3. Write on a strangely shaped paper

Here's what you do:

You take a piece of paper and cut it into a random shape. Then you start to write stuff on it, and most likely you're going to find that paper too small to fit all the things you want to write, so you get a new paper, or you move over to your laptop.

Suddenly you realise you've actually written stuff without even noticing. The secret is to be as random as possible and have no expectations of yourself.

And those two rules apply for writing the first draft of anything. We just always forget that.

4. Let the inner Ellen loose!

Take out your phone and start recording a make belief podcast where you're answering questions about your novel and why you're so passionate about it. This will feel weird (unless you're like me and always talk to yourself anyway), but you're going to get inspired.

If you have nothing to say about your novel, then you have a clear sign that you need to move on and find a new project. If you aren't passionate about what you're working on, it's never going to happen. You'll just keep getting stuck.

5. Engage your senses

Take a break, do something physical. Go for a walk, do some dishes, clean your room. (Sometimes when I do chores I narrate the action inside my head. It's bizarre and the outcome would be hilarious, but the thing is I never write that inner prose down. It's just fun inspiration.)

When you're done, you get back to writing. Because if you truly want to tell this story, then you're going to drop all excuses and you're going to sit down and write.

"But it's hard."


Sometimes it's dreadful and you hate yourself for putting yourself through it. But like I said, if this story really is your thing, you're going to write it no matter what.

Trust your words and trust me when I say, just keep writing. Let yourself write absolute trash, because in a couple weeks you'll realize that it isn't absolute trash. It's a story. And you created it.

So now, get off the internet and get writing. Even if it's just one line, it's one more line than you would've written otherwise.

You've come this far already, so now you just have to squeeze out a little bit of work, and then you can give yourself a huge scoop of chocolate ice cream. Or reward yourself with some more writing.

And that is how I write every day.

You should too.

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