The Last Days of Summer

I see trees with golden leaves and watch raindrops racing down the windows, but it honestly doesn't feel like autumn yet.

I might still be naively stuck in summer, or maybe I'm just mourning the loss of sunny days and frolicking on flowery meadows, but I'm not ready to let go of it yet.

My body's telling me that it's getting colder and darker (I'm actually currently stuck in bed suffering from a flu and sipping a steaming cup of rooibos that tastes like nothing with my sickly non-functional taste buds...), but I don't want to believe that it's already fall.

But soon I'll have to just pull on my wool socks and accept it. Time passes so fast.

What has been the highlight of your summer?

My summer has been incredible, so it's an impossibility to choose only one. But I met this wonderful creature in Denmark a couple weeks ago. She was such a graceful beauty, and it was really hard to say goodbye to her. Cows have such pure and beautiful souls. 🌻🌜

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