How to write a scene that keeps the reader turning the pages

The scene is most important tool and building block for your story, and if you can’t write and structure a great scene, you sadly can’t write a great story. Therefore, you should never, ever write scenes that the reader would want to skip. And this video tells you how!

You probably know about 3 act structure, 4 act structure, 5, act structure…. Beat sheets, plotting methods… all that fun stuff.

But that doesn’t actually really matter. It comes down to your story and your storytelling style. What feels good to YOU.

There is, however, one basic formula that is widely known as the most easy, cohesive and entertaining, despite of, or because of, its simplicity. 

Every story needs three components. 

  1. Beginning
  2. Development
  3. End (or climax)
Scenes often end just around the climax as it makes for smooth transitions between scenes and the conflict can keep shifting as the characters react and act upon the challenges we place upon them.

One of my favorite ways to create stories and plots is this little formula:

A character has a goal, but then conflict arrives to complicate things. So the character reacts and acts on the complication, therefore, the outcome is as follows. And so on and so on.

This same formula works for a big, whole novel or movie plot as well as for a little scene.

But there are more things to take into consideration to make this formula work for you. Making sure that your character has a goal, stays active throughout the story and that the setting works for the scene.

In order for your characters to not be passive, which is when your reader also will become passive, you need to create a goal for your character to work towards in each scene. If there’s no goal, there’s no point.

I make a lot more points and give you many great tips in the video, so make sure to check it out now or click the "watch later" button :)

Because we're all so busy all the time.

Just don't be too busy to write your story!!
Have a great week!

- Em

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