Happy Birthday Sally-Boi!


Sal is the cutest little birthday boy! 

Saying I'm happy to have this tiny little guy in my life is a vast understatement. Sal is sort of a rescue rabbit in the sense that he would've probably never turned two years old if I didn't find him when I did, so this day is extra special. 

He's had a tough life so far with many homes where nobody ever gave him the love he deserves, but still he trusted me fully the day I brought him home, and just from looking at him and how he hops and runs around like each lap around the room is his last, it almost seems like he knows that he got a second chance at life and he wants to make the most of it.

He's found a best friend in Piny (see that dark floofy cloud in the pictures, who I'm still not completely convinced is even a rabbit because she wags her tail like a puppy and honks like a goose... ), and they always nap together, eat together, and huddle together to create masterplans of grand destruction to obliterate every shoe that ever dares cross their path... Shoes are the ultimate evil (or so I've recently come to learn), and luckily I've got Sal & Piny to protect me from their sinister shoelaces and demonic soles.

Life is truly never boring with this mischievous pair of weirdos.

Happy Birthday, Little Prince Sal!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Sally-Boi! I hope you had an awesome birthday party.
